The Haggis Ceremony, from left, Linda MacKenzie, Ian MacKenzie (obscured) Jamie Callahan, Alex McKenzie, Qwenton McKenzie
The most expensive whisky ever! Yes, there is a back story
Beautifully presented haggis, made by Southland's Loveridge Homekill. Delicious!
Multi skilled Jamie Callahan, talented piper and presenter of the haggis.
It was great to have three of our scholarship winners supporting us in Invercargill. From Left, Qwenton McKenzie, piper, Dani Anstis, Arts, and Jamie Callahan, Piper and haggis presenter.
Lieutenant to Cabarfeidh 2024 to 2029, John William (Jock) McKenzie, and his wife Carol McKenzie
Jock McKenzie accepting the handover to Lieutenant to Cabarfeidh from retiring Lt Ian MacKenzie, with piper Qwenton McKenzie
Dani Anstis, Arts Scholarship winner for 2022, demonstrates her amazing creation made from recycled materials.
'Ensemble' entertain us at the Gathering dinner
Debbie Anstis, new member, and her Mum, Marlene Anderson, long time member
Serious business at the head table, New Lt Jock McKenzie and retiring Lt Ian MacKenzie
Silver tray that lists the names of all Clan MacKenzie NZ Lieutenants, presented to the Clan by Ann and the late Donald McKenzie when Donald retired as Lt
The Clan is in safe hands. Alex McKenzie, newly appointed Senior Commissioner, Jock McKenzie, newly appointed Lieutenant, receiving advice from retiring Lieutenant Ian MacKenzie
Kaye Germann and Alex McKenzie
Ian and Linda MacKenzie
Ian MacKenzie piped into the AGM by Qwenton McKenzie
Jock and Carol McKenzie
Dani Anstis in her amazing dress which she wore to the evening dinner.
Dani, adding the shawl made from wool spun by her grandmother Marlene Anderson
Marlene Anderson, Dani and Debbie Anstis. Three generations.
Jock thanking the Clan for his appointment as Lieutenant
Alex McKenzie, John (Jock) McKenzie and Ian MacKenzie
All Life members of Clan MacKenzie Society of NZ Inc. From left to right, Marlene Anderson, Sonia MacKenzie, newly awarded Ian and Linda Mackenzie, and Ann McKenzie.
Retiring Lieutenant to Cabarfeidh Ian MacKenzie, and Linda MacKenzie, retiring as Membership Secretary, Treasurer and Web master
Minutes Secretary for the AGM Kaye Germann, and new Senior Commissioner Alex McKenzie

FĂ ilte

Welcome to the home of the Clan Mackenzie Society of New Zealand Inc.


Welcome to Clan MacKenzie Society of New Zealand Inc.

The aim of the Clan Mackenzie  Society of New Zealand Incorporated is to promote friendship and genealogical interest. We send four newsletters per year to financial members and meet officially once per year for a combined social gathering and AGM.

Communications are kept up with the MacKenzie Societies of the UK, Australia, Canada, Americas, and Nova Scotia. Membership is open to all MacKenzies and septs of MacKenzies, any descendants of the above, or anyone who has an interest or is a friend. There are variations in the spellings of these names, especially in the Mc, Mac, M' as is so with the name MacKenzie. The variations in the spelling of MacKenzie come from the translation of the Gaelic MhicCoineach into English.

The aims of the Clan  MacKenzie Society of New Zealand Inc.

  1. To promote friendship and kinship and communication amongst Clan MacKenzie members.
  2. To arrange annual gatherings of members
  3. To share genealogical history
  4. To support & promote Scottish culture.

Upcoming events

  • No upcoming events

Clan Officials and Contacts

To join the society, please go to 'Join Here', or contact the membership secretary.

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